“I promise to love you…through all of life’s hills and valleys."
Marriage is NOT a relationship between competitors or combatants. Marriage is a love relationship built upon mutual honesty, trust, and understanding. Christian Marriage presupposes that both of you are mature believers who believe it is God’s will for you to live and love together until death separates you.
Being happily married is never easy and contrary to popular opinion, happy marriages are not made in heaven. While the Lord will help you, you are the ones responsible for making your marriage happy...
Wedding days are glorious, wonderful, hectic, and crazy days. All of us get caught up in the beauty and majesty of the ceremony and the events that follow. Wedding days possess an energy all their own, but the marriage, the living together (as the fairy tales say) “happily ever after,” that takes some doing. It will take perseverance, learning how to live together, how to love each other through adversity, how to be transparent, how to forgive, and how to understand the complexity of another person’s motives or meanings.
Realistic marriage means learning how to listen, how to fight fair, how to see yourself through another’s eyes, and how to speak from your heart words like:
“I’m sorry; please forgive me; I was wrong; I love you."
Marriage is hard work...[so] ... roll up your spiritual sleeves, and set yourselves to work. In the process, remember, God will be with you.