(Archived information): United Marriage Ministries
United Marriage Ministries (UMM) is a group of pastors and ministers who promote healthy, vibrant marriages for christians throughout the Greater Boston Metropolitan area by providing godly support, fellowship, training and guidance to persons who minister to and counsel couples.
Joseph and Ophelia Ardayfio, Mars Hill Fellowship Church
Bill and Gayle Baxter, Life Church Boston
Tony and Lynda Parham, Bethel Ame Church
Edward and Shirley Redd, Morning Star Baptist Church
Bernie and Rhonda Sigh, Jubilee Christian Church
Chris and Katani Sumner, Jubilee Christian Church
Al and Joyce Tyson, Bethel Ame Church
Targeted church communities to serve include:
Abundant Life Church
Bethel AME Church
Calvary Praise and Worship Center
Concord Baptist Church
Fellowship Christian Church
Heart Change Fellowship
Hope Lighthouse Christian Church
Jubilee Christian Church
Life Church Boston
Mars Hill Fellowship Church
Morning Star Baptist Church
Pentecostal Tabernacle
Rescued Church Boston
... and many more!
For additional info, or to join your church with our activities, please contact us via email: UMM at tkgministries dot org
UMM also sponsors workshops and fellowshp events for married and engaged couples.